It has been WAY too long since my last blog, but I finally have something good to blog about. I've been working on this nursery for months now, and am finally almost finished. We have less than 2 months until Hudson makes his appearance (I probably haven't mentioned this yet in my blog but we finally decided on the name Hudson Lee Applegate) and I'm feeling more ready than ever and less ready than ever all at the same time. I have all his clothes washed and put away, all his bottles sterilized, and the nursery mostly done (except for the mobile Danny and I are making and getting a glider of some sort). All we need now is for him to get here! This pregnancy has really gone so fast, but is now starting to go sooo slow. I found out a few weeks ago I have gestational diabetes, and that is really sucking. I'm taking insulin 4x a day and pricking my finger 4x a day and on a strict diet. As if there isn't enough things I couldn't do already, now I can't eat anything either. I have to eat SOOO much meat, and for everyone that knows me, you know how much I hate meat anyway. I may never have another egg or piece of meat the rest of my life after this. And I'm planning on eating 20 cupcakes a day and being drunk for the next 3 months to make up for what I'm missing now. Kidding. Kinda. ANYWAY! I love the way the nursery has turned out if I do say so myself, and I've been dying to show people! SO! Here are the pics so far!
I copied this idea from this picture which I saw on lots of nursery decorating blogs...It is harder than it looks. I got the letters at Jo-Ann fabrics, Hobby Lobby, and Michaels and added paint or modge podged on scrapbook paper, or some variation of that for most of the letters. |
The curtains are from Ikea (which I bought on ebay) and the little blue chest my mom found for me at a garage sale for a few dollars that I spray painted a shiny blue to match the curtains. They will hold toys or blankets...not decided yet for sure on that one.
I bought this shelf for $3 at a garage sale and painted it. I have more books than it can hold but it will do for now. |
I bought this at a garage sale too....It was a steal for $10. It was the woman who was having the sale's desk as a needed some paint and new handles and is adorable now! We found a Bengals ticket from the 70's in the back of it while trying to get it to open all the way. Or maybe the Browns? Finding that out for sure would require me walking upstairs to look again and at this point I'm not doing that unless it is necessary. Like to nap. |
Not the greatest picture of the print or shelf, but it's the best I could do today. I got the elephant print at this etsy shop and the shelf at my favorite semi-annual activity, the Springfield Flea Market extravaganza in Springfield Ohio. This next extravaganza is in September this year...and I will probably have a week old infant at that time, so that will be a no go this year. The hat is from gap, and the starfish we picked up on our Savannah trip this year! |
The nightstand is another painted garage sale find with some anthropologie nobs, and the lamp I had but painted, and recovered the lampshade in a fabric I thought went with the room. |
I bought the dresser at a garage sale for $10 and painted it...All the picture frames I found at garage sales and painted. The chalkboard is made from a piece of sheet metal I cut to fit the frame and then painted with chalkboard paint, so it is magnetic too! And the guitar fabric is a pinboard, but I don't have anything to pin onto it...yet. |
I should get a better picture of this too to do it justice. My incredibly talented friend Kris made this as a gift for me after spending hours trying to recreate it myself. Sometimes it's best to leave it to the pros. |
I accidentally ordered the wrong print from this store (I originally wanted the baby porcupine) but when this arrived it was too cute to send it back...and I was in a hurry to get the room put together so I kept it. I ordered it from The animal print shop. |
This is from one of my favorite etsy sellers, I have another of his prints in my office. |
This may not fit the frame perfect, but I still love it. It's from this etsy store. |
I had my eye on this print for a while...luckily I stalked his etsy shop often, and they were having a 40% off sale! So, I snagged it up and it's one of my favorite's in the room now. |
That is all I have so far, unless in my exhausted stupor I forgot to post some pictures, which is entirely possible. I still have a few things to do, but am mostly finished. Now, all we need is a baby. I'm going to do my best to keep up with this better! But, for now it is WAY past my bedtime. More later!