Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hudson's 3d Ultrasound Pictures

I can't forget to post these! He is just too cute. We went in almost a month ago to have this done...I'm having another ultrasound Thursday to check growth but it will be a regular one. It will still be fun to see how much he has grown since then! The Doctor says she will induce me at 39 weeks if my sugar is being controlled, and 38 weeks if it isn't being controlled. So...either 4 or 5 more weeks! So soon!! Here is my handsome man:

The ultrasound tech was poking him a lot to get him to move his hands..I don't think he was very happy about it!

How cute are his feet?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

32 Weeks.

It is hard to believe I'm already in the 30s. I have about 7 weeks left if Hudson stays where he is until his due date, but he will more than likely be early because of my gestational diabetes. I'm hoping like 3 weeks early. At least part of me is, and the other part is terrified. I felt not an ounce of apprehension or nervousness until the last few weeks. Danny had been asking me several times a day if I was nervous, and I would reply "No...are YOU?" Yes, was his answer. Now, he's not nervous at all and just ready for the baby to get here. Now I am realizing that in a few short weeks I will be DELIVERING A BABY and I am scared. I'm scared of actually delivering him, and I'm so scared of right after. Not that I'm scared of the night feedings and everything that goes along with that-I'm scared something will happen to him. I talked to an old friend on the phone tonight who lost her baby at 3 months to SIDS, and it really puts it all in perspective for me. I am going to try to enjoy even the toughest moments as much as possible because I know there are so many people out there longing for those exact moments. I just want him to get here healthy, and stay that way. Another part of me feels a little sad that everything will be changing for forever. We won't be able to run to the movies on a whim like we do now, and lay around in bed all day long if we feel like it. But then I think about Halloween coming up, and Christmas, and get so excited to celebrate those things with a little baby that is half me and half Danny. I feel so lucky to be starting a family with him, he will be such a great father. This pregnancy has just gone SO fast I don't know if I'm fully prepared yet. But I guess no one is until it happens.

This is as close as it is going to get for maternity pictures for me. I did want at least one picture to remember my baby bump by, and I thought since I actually fixed my hair, put on makeup, and was wearing something other than leggings I would take a picture of Hudson and me at 32 weeks (and a few days).  I can't wait to hold him!