Thursday, November 17, 2011

2 months

Hudson is 2 months old today!! (Depending on how you look at it. He's technically 8 weeks). This time has gone by so fast! Hudson is getting so big. He just smiled at me for the first time the Sunday before last, but only did it a few more times until yesterday. He has been smiling up a storm the last few days!! (In between cries). Here is a picture I captured tonight of my two favorite guys.

There aren't any other huge milestones to report just yet. He has his 2 month check up on Tuesday and he is getting his shots...I'm so not looking forward to that. His last vaccine was terrible! The needle looked long enough to go through his leg. Hopefully it will be better this time! He is holding his head up well, and enjoying tummy time more. We are really getting excited for Christmas! It will certainly be different this year. Even though he won't know what we got him, it will still be fun to get him some things and start our family traditions! (Even if we aren't sure what those are yet.) I can't believe how quickly the time has gone...I just wish I could record every minute of our day so I could watch them when he gets older. Well, maybe not every minute. But, most of them anyway :) Here are his weekly photos from the last month:

The photo's are getting easier since he doesn't scream as soon as I put him down now. Excited for what next month will bring!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hudson's First Halloween

Hudson's first Halloween was a sucsess!! He was an adorable monster, and his costume fit him perfectly even though I was affraid it would be too big. We went trick-or-treating at my moms house, then to Danny's sisters house where he got his picture taken with his favorite Uncle Mike (also dressed in costume for his favorite holiday). I thought he would hate his costume but he loved it so much he slept for hours when we got home in it. I hate to get rid of's sooo cute. If I had the room I most definately would become a hoarder of all his baby things. We put all his newborn clothes away about a week ago which was devistating...but, not he get's to wear his bigger clothes so I guess that's a fun trade off.