Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Becoming a first time mommy

I am only 11 weeks along today, but in some ways I feel like I've been pregnant for forever, and in others I feel like I just found out. I'm excited to be on to my second trimester, and also sad that it is moving this fast. I haven't been sick at all, which worries me a little. I am absolutely exhausted and starving, but that so far is the worst of it.I hate that I have 9 more weeks until another ultrasound...maybe I can convince my Dr. at my appointment next Friday to take a peak. 

I would give up almost anything to be able to stay at home with my baby and see it grow. I know it's not for everyone but I just can't imagine not being able to see their first steps and hear the first words. I've wanted a baby for so long, I feel like I've been preparing my whole life for one. I can't wait to teach it to love animals in the same way that I do, and take it to Disney for the first time. I can't wait to read it bed time stories and take it to my parents pool to swim. I can't wait most of all to find out what it is so I can stop calling it an IT.

I am also excited to see our family grow. I know Danny is going to be such an amazing father and I can't wait to start our new little family together. I think the things we imagine are completely different-Him: coaching little league; Me: watching Disney Princess movies, but together I hope we provide a great childhood for our new baby. I can't wait to watch my parents turn into grandparents, and I really can't wait for the holidays. Christmas was always SO special to me, and it still is...but over the years it's lost some of it's magic. I'm looking forward to getting some of that back. Enough sappy for today, I'm sure there will be plenty more to come in the next few months :)


JSherrick said...

so sweet Shala! I am so excited for you to become a mother!

Lbtoyos said...

Congrats!!! You will be a great mother and will love any minute with your baby.

Jill Q said...

You sound so very happy, and I'm really excited for you. You're embarking on a life-long advenure!

Unknown said...

Congrats, enjoy this special time in your life!

bountyofbeads said...

I started a journal that I wrote all those thoughts down in during my pregancy, think it will make a great gift for my daughter if and when she has her first child...
Enjoy every second, it will fly by. God Bless you and your family, what a wonderful time.

Crystal said...

Congrats and all the best in the months to come!

Anonymous said...

Your joy just LEAPS from this compuet screen! Congratulations! I have always wanted to be a stay-at-home mommy, and Lord willing, God will give me that life soon.

Dee said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Keeping notes about your experience is a great idea, I did and years later it was wonderful to re-read them.

jlcjbuzz said...

Best wishes to you during your pregnancy and with your new child when she/he arrives. It is a time of joy, wonder, and growth for all. I am so happy for you!
Carol from Carol's Jewelry Orchard

Leah R. Hood, Jewelry Designer & Artisan said...

I'm 30 weeks pregnant with my first. I barely got sick at the beginning. I was just so incredibly tired; I wouldn't worry. The time is going to fly by! I also wrote about my pregnancy on my blog today. :) Best wishes to you!

Michelle said...

Congratulations! It's an exciting time in your life enjoy it evey step of the way.

Unknown said...

Congrats!! Very exciting. Something is in the air this is the 2nd blog post on pregnancy :))

RhettDidntGiveADamn said...

So happy for you. Children are the best and most important blessings.

Sewinggranny - Mona said...

Congrats....I wish you could stay at home with your baby...I went to work when son was 6 weeks old! I am now a grandmother and love each and every day!

petitehermine said...

Congrats! You sound like you'll be an amazing mother!

Inessa/Prittyfy said...

Congrats! It will be awesome if you could stay home with your baby. Best wishes!

teener1416 said...

congrats!!! im so glad you are coming along happy and healthy!

Martine said...

Congratulations! That is amazing! :)
I hope everything will work out for the best.
Best wishes for both you and your baby. :)

Anonymous said...

congrats to you!! and your blog is so cute :0)

Unknown said...

this is so sweet!!

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