His birthday party was a success! Too much time, stress
and money went into it, but I am so glad we did it. He had a great time
and it was so nice to have everyone in the same room that loves him.
Saturday was his birthday, and we spent that giving him our gifts...
I worked way too long on that hat that he wouldn't keep on for 3 seconds...
Too much fun. Sunday was his party! I think it turned out adorable, but that's just me. It was on Morse Lake, so we had a nautical theme.
Well, you can't tell here. But those are burlap pennants that say "Happy Birthday Hudson". :)
Biggest hit of the party: For the kids to play with, and for the adults to watch this cuteness.
and...again. This happened through the whole party. SERIOUSLY adorable.
All in all, I'm so glad I did it, but will not be doing it again! (At least that's what I say now). I was up until way too late working on party supplies for too many nights in a row! (Fish shaped crayons? Yes! I better make 40 since there will be one kid there that can color). But, it was worth it to have everyone together! You live and learn I guess. I blame pintrest for all the unreachable birthday decoration goals!!!
Happy One Year to my best little friend!
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