Friday, June 22, 2012

9 Months!

OH NO! I just realized I didn't do an 8 month must be because this kid is keeping me busy. First, let's get a look at this.

So, still just the two teeth! He is constantly chewing on his hand, so I'm surprised there are no more in there yet but the two he has are absolutely adorable! He crawls now, it started all of a sudden and now I can't keep him still. He crawls over to everything and pulls himself up on things. He's getting better at being able to sit down when he's done standing, he was just falling over on his head. He started waving yesterday and it is ADORABLE. Just when I thought he couldn't get any cuter. He had his 9 month appointment today and he is in the 50th percentile for weight and the 85th percentile for height. So I think he's going to be tall! We have "conversations" that crack us both up. It is crazy to me that he plays with toys and interacts with us. He is 39 weeks this week, and that is how pregnant I was when I had him. I can't believe it's gone so fast! I really wish I could freeze time for a little bit. But, I am looking forward to the future. I try to soak up the few times he falls asleep on my shoulder as much as I can. It is my favorite part of life. This for example:
ahh. The best. I just don't want him to get much bigger! I could cry thinking about how big he is already. But, so much fun so I guess that's the trade off.

We try to go to the zoo once a week, and he really loves it! He loves looking at the aquarium the best, and is loving the new bird exhibit. Also gets into the snakes. I think he likes the animals he can see up close the best. He's a handful but I wouldn't have it any other way! Here's ALL the weekly pictures since 7 months:

It is nearly impossible to keep him on his back for the picture. I'm literally sweating by the end of the photo shoot each week. We will see how the rest of these pictures go! Here are a few more pictures I'm in love with:

So many cute pictures! Those are just a few of my favorites. Hudson has new ugly face. It looks a little something like this:

 Yesterday I took him to an abandoned barn I've had my eye on down the street from us and we got some REALLY cute pictures. Here's a few:
More ugly face. 

Tell me he's not the cutest kid on earth? Feeling a little sad tonight about what next month will bring. He's just growing up too fast!


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