Wednesday, February 22, 2012

5 months!

Today is Hudson's 5 month birthday! I decided to start doing his monthly check ins by month instead of every 4 weeks because it was getting so far away from his actual month mark! So he gets to have more pictures this month. I had to look back at his 4 month post to see what's new. So much! He just seems so much bigger than he was last  month.

He is so happy and funny! He gets a new picture tomorrow. This month he has started playing a lot-he LOVES his baby gym, and swatting and kicking the toys that hang on it. He can touch the floor in his jumper now without needing anything under it (We were using an old coke crate for him to stand on). He is eating now, and squealing and talking more. He has really become interested in the dogs and stares and grabs at them now. So adorable. Just today he started sticking his tongue out as far as it will go and laughing. He sleeps in his crib now at night, and we have a good bedtime routine-pjs, jewel lullabies cd, fan on and then we read "Goodnight Moon" and "Snuggle up sleepy ones" and then I rock him for a minute and then put him in his crib and he goes right to sleep! He's becoming such a big boy. I have gotten SO many cute picture of him this month too. Sometimes I look at him and think I might burst I'm so in love with him. He's my best buddy! Here are some more great pics:

He's the coolest!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hudson's First Bites!

Hudson went from being content eating 6 ounces a bottle every 4 hours to eating 8 and still being hungry overnight. So, we decided it was time to start food! It was a pretty big and exciting milestone for him. We started out with plain rice cereal on Saturday and he didn't know what to think of it. Sunday I made him some baby food and froze-carrots, apples, and sweet potatoes. We tried apples this morning and he still wasn't sure of them but did a great job and ate the whole bowl!

 He then tried out his sippy cup for the first time! He did pretty good for his first try! I can't believe how big he's getting. Where is the time going?

All that new stuff wore him out and he has been sleeping for the last 2 hours. We are excited to try his other foods soon!!