Monday, January 16, 2012

4 Months!

I feel like I just posted that he was 3 months old. Holy Moly! How do I stop time? Luckily he is being so cute I am enjoying him getting bigger. He now grabs for toys (but still pretty new) and smiles a lot. He LOVES his hand and putting it in his mouth. He stares at it all the time.

He really likes sitting up in his bouncer and his play mat more now that he can swat at his toys. And still really loves bath time. We usually take one every day (sometimes twice if he has an extra gross diaper) and he smiles at the purple octopus on his bathtub and grabs the hangy down toys.
Here are his weekly pictures for this month:

And a few more pictures I really love that happened this month:

Looking forward to seeing what 5 months brings!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hudson Rolled Over!

Hudson rolled over for the first time today!!!!!!!! So excited about that. I was getting a little worried that he hadn't yet. We were working on our 15 week photo shoot right before it happened. He has really been into his hands the last week so I was so happy to get some pictures of him looking at his hand for this weeks picture.

It is a pretty cool hand.

After that I laid him on his tummy for a little tummy time and he decided today is the day he would roll over! Luckily I had my camera but was so excited when he rolled over that I didn't get an action shot.

 He was really into that fabric.

Still into it even when he rolled over. What a big boy!

In other exciting news, our photographer Jen Sherrick posted his newborn shots in her blog today! Check it out here. I can't believe how big he is compared to that! Sigh...