Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hudson's First Camping Trip

What to do at 1am when everyone else is sleeping? Update the blog I think I never have time to update!

Danny wanted to go camping for his birthday weekend, so we took Hudson to Raccoon Lake in Rockville, IN. I was nervous to take Hudson camping...because I was afraid he wouldn't sleep well (and he didn't) but it ended up being completely worth it! We went to the Lowe's Build and Grow workshop in the morning, and "Hudson" built a plane from the new Disney movie Planes (which we are going to go see tomorrow!)

After that we drove down to the campgrounds, about an hour and a half away. We got our tent set up, had lunch and went on a hike to the lake. Danny made a big deal of getting bologna sandwiches to bring camping...I didn't complain even though I haven't had bologna since elementary school maybe! But look how cute Hudson was eating it for the first time?

And of course drinking his dads Gatorade...

He was also very interested in his new bug viewer when we found an ant to look at on the microscope.

CUTE! Here's our campsite all set up:

 View from the back of the tent:

The hike was SO beautiful and green...luckily I had my phone in my backpack so I could capture some pictures of it.

As expected Hudson loved the lake as much as he did the ocean and lake in Michigan! He started trying to run into it right off the cliff as soon as he saw it. We played in it a little while and then hiked back.

We grilled hot dogs for dinner, played a little washers and made a few s'mores before attempting to get Hudson to bed.

We hoped to stick Hudson in the tent for bed, and be able to make more s'mores for us and play board games we such luck. We bought a king size blow up mattress, and Danny said Hudson thought we were trying to sleep in a bounce house! And it really did look like a bounce house! We tried to ignore him but he was knocking on the door of the tent and smashing his face up against it. Of course like any good mother I took a picture of it.

So we ended up going to lay with him so he didn't bother the other campers with his crying, and because it was heart breaking! It ended up being wonderful though..the weather was perfect and it was so relaxing to lay  there listening to nature sounds and not have TV, phones, facebook, etc to distract us. Something we definitely need to do more often. Hudson jumped around on us literally for 3 and a half hours before he actually fell asleep. Of course I hardly slept at all the rest of the night because he moves so much in his sleep, and all the noise the other campers were making kept waking me up. (Apparently not everyone goes to sleep at 7:30...they like to stay up and drink and party while camping. I vaguely remember doing something like that...) It ended up being worth it! We packed up early and headed home. We stopped at a 50s diner on our way and had breakfast.

It was Danny's birthday so we went with Dean and Mom to Pizza Shack on the Track for lunch and played cards. It was a great day and weekend! We can't wait to take him camping again soon! This time we will bring the pack and play and hope for better sleeping results!