Sunday, September 30, 2012

One Year Old...

I cannot believe Hudson is one. This has been by far the best and fastest year of my life. It seems like yesterday he was a teeny little baby with a scrunched up grouch face and hiccups. I made a mental note to absorb every second that went by, but unfortunately I think I missed a few I'll never get back. I'll admit that I cried for a few days before his birthday, because now he is one, soon he will be 5, then he will be 16 and 30 and will not want me to hold him while we watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and have some milk in the morning. And by a few days before his birthday, I mean since he was two days old and I realized he would never be one day old again. But as devastating as all that is, he is becoming more fun with every passing day and I wouldn't change it for the world. Put it on slow motion? Yes, absolutely.

He took his first real steps on his birthday, and still isn't too sure about walking but will take a step or two on his own. He flies around the house with a push toy, or any piece of furniture he can manage to I think it's not far behind. 

The last of his weekly photos...

It was much more upsetting than I had anticipated picking out the fabric for the last weeks of his pictures. Stay tuned for monthly pictures...

Here he is at one week and one year:

Here's a little pic of him and his stats: cute.

And here's a few of my favorite memories from the last year...

So excited for what the future brings, but I will treasure this last year of my life forever!

Hudson's Nautical First Birthday Party

His birthday party was a success! Too much time, stress and money went into it, but I am so glad we did it. He had a great time and it was so nice to have everyone in the same room that loves him.

Saturday was his birthday, and we spent that giving him our gifts...

I worked way too long on that hat that he wouldn't keep on for 3 seconds...

Too much fun. Sunday was his party! I think it turned out adorable, but that's just me. It was on Morse Lake, so we had a nautical theme.

Well, you can't tell here. But those are burlap pennants that say "Happy Birthday Hudson". :)

 Biggest hit of the party: For the kids to play with, and for the adults to watch this cuteness.

 and...again. This happened through the whole party. SERIOUSLY adorable.

All in all, I'm so glad I did it, but will not be doing it again! (At least that's what I say now). I was up until way too late working on party supplies for too many nights in a row! (Fish shaped crayons? Yes! I better make 40 since there will be one kid there that can color).  But, it was worth it to have everyone together! You live and learn I guess. I blame pintrest for all the unreachable birthday decoration goals!!! 

Happy One Year to my best little friend!