Monday, December 2, 2013


Is it really already December? I've had so much to update, but can't seem to sit down and find the time or the strength to do it. Let's start with October. It was a shitty month. The shittiest of my life maybe. Aunt Bonnie lost her battle with breast cancer that came out of nowhere in March. The last time I saw her I spent the whole time trying not to cry because she looked so terrible. I tried to be strong and happy when I saw her, and then I cried my whole way home. People use the term "like a second mother" loosely, but I am NOT using that loosely when I describe her as that. I spent the summers with her, she was the one I went to talk to when I had a serious problem or needed a good laugh. She was always there for me, and always would be. I really can't believe she's gone. I feel her with me though when I think about her, and it's helped me cope. I absolutely hate the thought that Hudson won't grow up to know her, because I know he would love her as much as I did, and she would love him as much as my parents do. I am thankful that she's no longer suffering. One week after she passed, so did her dog. My uncle says that she got lonely and came back to get him.

A few weeks later on Halloween I came out of the shower to find Sasha asleep on a chair. Except she wasn't asleep. She was the most special cat, and Hudson's best friend. I will miss her SO much. I'm just thankful that Hudson wasn't old enough to understand what happened and that she went peacefully in her sleep.

You will forever be missed, and never replaced!

On to happier things. Hudson was cute as hell for Halloween. He was going to be a zombie train conductor...we took him to the Children's Museum on Halloween day (trick or treat was postponed because of the weather) and left the hat in Danny's when I took him out for trick or treat with Harper he didn't have his I made him a business man zombie.

I didn't think about how hard it would be to get those tattoos off...
Other fun October activities...

We had a nice much needed break back to McCromick's creek. It was wonderful! It is such a relaxing place to go and just be together. We went on a few hikes, did a few puzzles, had some good food and Hudson even got to make his own pizza!

Thanksgiving was nice. Uncle Mike, Uncle Neil, Grandma and Bryston came in, we went to Mom and Dean's and Danny's mom and Scott came over. It was really nice to have us all together. It was great food and a good time!

And now we are getting ready for Christmas! PLEASE let these next few months go better than the last few! So far we seem to be getting better every day.

24 socks, 24 books, and his Elf on a Shelf..."Elp!" He's loving looking for him every day. He really lights up my life that guy!


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