Tuesday, July 24, 2012

10 Months!

Hudson is 10 months and 2 days today. Still as cute as ever, even when he's being rotten. He can stand on his own now, but only for a few seconds at a time. He STILL just has his first 2 teeth! He's been not sleeping as well lately and extra crabby, but the last I looked around in there nothing else was poking out yet. He "dances" all the time to mock us (wiggles his head back and forth) and will throw a ball! He will sit and throw it back to you over and over. However, I've learned from a recent playmate with an older child, that that's not the best thing to teach him...as he was throwing all over her toys all over the house, not just balls...Kind of like how we teach him to slap our hands to high five, but he can't figure out why he can't slap our face! He's starting throwing mini tantrums this month...he will arch his back and grunt when he's in his highchair and wants to get out. Not looking forward to what that brings! Here are his weekly pictures this month:

I can't believe we only have 9 weeks left of this :( I really enjoy doing it, even though it is a WORKOUT now to capture a picture with him laying on his back. I usually have to wait until Danny can help me keep him entertained before I take them. Here's a few more from last weeks trip to the zoo:

It's really been too hot to do much zoo-ing lately. I'm hoping we get a little relief from this weather soon so we can get back to it! He really loves it and so do we. $100 well spent on that membership!


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